Tuesday, November 3, 2009

It's Better to Jump the Abyss Than to Reupholster Your Rut

Two years ago, as I was preparing for a new and courageous experience ….by myself……in northern California…..I called a friend and expressed some anxiety to her about what I was doing. She said “Julane, It’s better to jump the abyss than to reupholster your rut”. “You’re right” I said, “I love it” and continued on down the road to an important and valuable experience.

It was 1949……..I was 7 years old…. and in the summers our weekly treat was to go to town on Sunday afternoons to the swimming pool. First we had to go to church and then eat Sunday dinner and then Dad had to read the Sunday paper. We thought the time would never come when we would climb in our Chevy and drive the 7 miles to town. One unforgettable Sunday afternoon, I decided it was time to jump off the high diving board. Dad and Mom were sitting on the benches outside the pool , I climbed the ladder, walked to the end of the diving board and shook with fear. I looked at my Dad and heard him yell “Go on…..you can do it!”

Obviously, at that young age of 7 my ruts weren’t very deep….. and I’m sure I’ve reupholstered my rut many times since then. Most of the time though, I’m willing to take risks, try new things and be open to new adventures (while shaking in my boots).

What do you do to nudge yourself in to jumping the abyss rather than reupholstering your rut? (I have to admit that the rut feels really good and it's a treat to snuggle down in and stay there for a while!)

I'd love to have you share your thoughts and thanks, Robert, for sharing this old picture of a "good time place".

1 comment:

  1. Julane, Loved your comments about reupholstering your rut -- I've done that a time or two myself! Here's a poem I wrote about wanting to get out of a rut:


    I Googled quantum physics
    on the web. My eyes glazed
    over like a drunk on cheap

    wine. Refracton, diffraction
    wave particle duality. String
    theory left me strung out.

    What I know about the universe
    is a silent knowing:
    we are all connected, energy

    wrapped in a body of muscles
    bones, cells with memories
    buried like a corpse

    resurrected by Spirit
    moving into light.

    Audrey Streetman


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